23-24 Jan 2025 Heidelberg (Germany)

Practical details

The conference will be held in Heidelberg in the Marsilius-Arkaden on the Campus of Neuenheimer Feld.

Dates : 23-24th January 2025

Submission deadline : November 4th 

Registration deadline ( limited to 90 persons ) : December 20th

List of selected hotels in Heidelberg



Perturbation experiments in Single-Cell Omics

  • Charlotte Bunne , EPFL Lausanne, CH
  • Mohammad Lotfollahi , Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, and CCAIM and University of Cambridge, UK
  • Florian Büttner , Goethe-University Frankfurt and the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK)/German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany
  • Britta Velten , Heidelberg University, Germany


Predicting the maladaptation of populations to habitat alteration

Chair: Simon Boitard, INRAE, Toulouse, FR

  • Matt Fitzpatrick , Univ. Maryland, Center for Environmental Science, Frostburg, US
  • Mathieu Gautier , INRAE, Montpellier, FR
  • Yves Vigouroux, IRD, Montpellier, FR
  • Juliette Archambeau, INRAE, Montpellier, FR


Modeling Biological Processes Through Biophysically Inspired Machine Learning
Chair : Nacho Molina, University of Strasbourg, FR






SMPGD Steering committee

 Local organizing committee:

Carl Herrmann (Heidelberg University)

Oliver Stegle (DKFZ and EMBL)




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